
Featured product

Sea buckthorn leaf

Sea buckthorn leaves contain many nutrients and bioactive substances such as carotenoids, free and esterified sterols, triterpenols, and isoprenols. It contains approximately 15-20% proteins. Flavonoids content in leaves ranges from 12-2100 mg/100 g of air-dried leaves.

Lipids from sea buckthorn leaves have been recommended for antiburn and wound healing properties. The leaves contain many nutrients and bioactive substances which are suitable for animal feed.

We are one of the pioneers with trust and faith who believe that sea buckthorn is not only one of the most healthiest superfood, but also a spectacular food supplement. Our mission is to bring sea buckthorn into the global understanding due to its superb natural elements.

For that reason we have been growing, cultivating and dealing with sea buckthorn berry for many years back and we also have started the production of semi-finished sea buckthorn products and have had a unique offering in our portfolio to service our B2B customers.

Why us?

We at C-Berry have been servicing many customers for many years, including the following:

NFC juice producers
NFC juice traders
All types of organic food producers
Pharmaceutical manufacturers from a diverse background

why us c-berry, sea buckthorn juice, C-berry

Advantages of our products

Our organic sea buckthorn juice have the following advantages which makes our B2B customers happy by providing their end customers a better product:

  • Antioxidants, Vitamins

    Natural antioxidants, Vitamins (C B1, B2, E, K), Polyphenols (nutritious compounds to exert a wide range of health benefits in metabolic health including obesity, diabetes and hypertension, as well as liver, kidney and brain health) and carotenoids.

  • Immunity enhancement

    Immunity enhancement, a functional beverage that aids in the body’s defenses

  • Sugar free

    Zero sugar and low glycemic index

  • Follows the trends

    The current flavor trends of 2023 are shifting towards citrus and berry blends, sea buckthorn meets both needs

  • Sustainable price

    Our sea buckthorn juice can be accessed at a price which is close to level the price of sea buckthorn berries

More products of ours

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Sea buckthorn juice

All juices are pressed in low temperature, gently pasteurized and have a typically high vitamin C content.

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Sea buckthorn pulp oil
Extra fine concentration

The pulp oil is made by separation during juice production. Thanks to special production process it has a longer shelf life than seed oil.

sea buckthorn seed, c-berry



sea buckthorn peel



sea buckthorn contentrate



sea buckthorn powder



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